Getting a quick Sod INSTALL or DELIVERY Quote
During the year, and especially during the spring, our phones are ringing off the hooks. Most folks want to have a lawn installed during the spring, which makes sense. So, in order to deliver an estimate in a timely fashion, we have come up with a few steps to speed up the estimating process.
Getting a quick Sod INSTALL Quote
- Measure the length and width of the lawn area in question. Write those numbers down. Multiply Length x Width. The result of multiplying these numbers will give you total square footage. Simple as that.
- Take a snapshot of the area with your smart phone.
- CLICK here to get the REQUEST FOR QUOTE FORM (Google account is necessary for that option). Or you can Email to: If emailing, please describe your objectives for the space, issues like dogs, trees, or moss and why is the lawn so bad now. Don’t forget to include the name of your city, snapshot of area and dimensions. If you don’t have access to texting or emailing options, you can certainly give us a call @ 734-941-9595. Leave us a message & we will return your call.
- In return we will provide you with an estimate that is likely be within $100 of the final price and often, the exact price you will pay.
- If you prefer; text a photo and your address to 734-231-3941 and we will respond.
Getting a quick Sod DELIVERY Quote
- Measure the length and width of the lawn area in question. Write those numbers down. Multiply Length x Width. The result of multiplying these numbers will give you total square footage. Simple as that.
- Now multiply the total square footage by $0.33. This is the cost of your sod only (not including tax, delivery cost, and not including $20.00 refundable pallet deposit). Sod is usually stacked on pallets of 600 square foot each. 600 sq ft of sod will weigh somewhere in the range of 2,400 pounds.
DELIVERY COST is dependent on quantity and miles traveled. Delivery cost will start at $70.00 for the first pallet. We also charge a $20.00 refundable pallet deposit. Point of origin is: 32609 Pennsylvania Road, Romulus, MI 48174.